About the trees


This tree is thus known because its female flowers and consequent acorns are set on long stalks or `peduncles`.Its leaves by contrast are almost stalkless with lobes or `auricles`on either side at the base.

When the oak is able to grow vigorously it has a second, late summer out burst of foliage known as its Lammas growth, after Lammas Day on the 1st August. These new leaves are a fantastic crimson to begin with before turning green.

These oaks can exceed 30 meters (100ft) and are very long lived, records have shown 1000 year old specimens these will most likely have been pollarded for firewood a process that prolongs the trees life.

The bark is grey with characteristic irregular ribs appearing on the surface as the tree matures.

SILVER BIRCH (Betula Pendula)

Native to Europe, the silver birch is often chosen as a garden tree due to its graceful pendulas form.It can reach heights of 18 meters (60 ft) but has been known to exceed this.The catkins open in late March to April, its leaves are smooth with wedge shaped bases and its bark is white with thin horizontal lines and as the tree matures its base may produce diamond shaped cracks and dark ridges. The twigs are smooth with out down which is what distinguishes this particular birch from other varieties.


Native to the Himalayas and China these birches are cultivated in botanical collections and gardens. They can reach heights of 18 meters (60 ft) as the silver variety does but the distinguishing difference is the soft downy stems they produce. The bark can be white with grey patches or alternatively orange brown and peeling. The catkins open in late April, the timber is an excellent firewood.


Scots Pine are a fine example of an evergreen tree providing shelter all year round. They take time to establish but once they reach a height of 5-6 feet they grow quickly and strongly. They are good value for money due to taking longer to semi-mature meaning that they will grow quickly once purchased from Container Trees.

ROWAN or MOUNTAIN ASH (Sorbus Aucuparia)

Native to Europe the rowan has throughout history been planted around Highland homesteads following an old superstition believing in its powers to ward off witches and evil spirits. It remains a popular garden tree who s name is thought to have originated from the Gaelic `Ruadhan` the red one, due to its rich scarlet berries, which in September reach incredibly high levels of vitamin C and add towards the amassing rich abundance of striking colours beginning the Highland Autumnal changes.

The timber of the mature tree is useful for tool handles, spinning wheels and such like. Rowans grow to around 15 meters (50 ft) and in May the beautiful nectar rich, snow white flowers encourage pollinating bees enticed by the powerful musty odur.

WYCH ELM (Ulmus Glabra) *Not Currently Available

Native to Europe this beautiful, graceful tree, known also as the Scotch Elm, with its spreading crown can grow to 41 meters (135 ft). Its an ornamental tree with smooth grey bark to begin with becoming a more brownish grey as it matures. The trunk often divides low down producing branches considered awkward by sawmills but however much sought after by traditional boat builders.

The Wych Elms leaves and flowers are generally larger than the average Elm.

WHITE POPLAR(Populas Alba)

A native to Western and Central Europe, this poplar is often used as an ornamental tree in parks and on street edges and is particularly useful as shelter in coastal areas due to its ability to withstand salt spray. It can reach heights of around 30 meters (100 ft), on good land the White Poplar grow faster than any other tree, sometimes achieving 2 meters (6 ft) in just one year. Its male flowers opening in April are a reddish crimson, where as its females are a yellowish green, both arriving before the leaves. When these appear they are lobed & covered in a thick white down before developing dark and glossy on the upper surface and pure white on the underside. The bark is smooth to begin with roughening as the tree matures.


Prunus Avium, the GEAN or WILD CHERRY

This ancestor of all modern garden cherries is renowned for its year round beauty. Its buds burst forth in April, producing its oval, toothed edged leaves often just superceeded by the blossoms of individually stalked clusters of flowers along the branches. The flowers encourage pollinating bees and will eventually produce one cherry per `pistal` left by the falling petals.

These cherries can reach heights of 33 meters (108 ft)and its timber is sought after by furnature makers and wood turners alike.

Prunus `Pink Perfection`

Height up to 7.5 meters (25 ft) Pale pink flowers late April, with pale bronze leaves.

Prunus `Kanzan`

Height up to 12 meters (40 ft) Darker pink flowers April to May. Red leaves to begin with at flowering time turning golden then returning to red once more in the Autumn.

Prunus `Accolade`

A small hybrid cherry, with spreading branches producing, a beautiful tree shape. Flowers are pale pink, appearing in March. Leaves green colouring red and yellow in Autumn.

Prunus `Shirofugen`

Height up to 7.5 meters (25 ft) Flowers pink to begin with fading to white in late May. Leaves are purple bronze with red stems, turning a deep copper brown by Autumn.